According to the texts, in what ways did the Russian launch of the Sputnik satellite change schooling in the United States?

Those questions should be done in APA format. with references, after each question please provide references. please create three questions around the paper theme and place them in the last paper. I’m giving links with materials if something is not opening please let me know. Discussion Board Modules 11 and 12 Discussion Questions: 1.According to the texts, in what ways did the Russian launch of the Sputnik satellite change schooling in the United States? 2.According to the texts, in what ways did the Brown vs. Board of Education decision change schooling in the United States? 3.According to the texts, in what ways did the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) change schooling in the United States? 4.Do you agree with Sir Ken Robinson’s analysis of education and the purposes of schooling? Why or why not? 5. Compare your Initial Philosophical Reflection with your final paper. What have you learned in this course? This is the final paper questions for question 5. “What is education?” and “What is the purpose of schooling?” links: Read Salend, S.J., & Duhaney, L.M.G. (2011). Historical and philosophical changes in the education of students with exceptionalities. In A.F. Rotatori, F.E. Obiakor, & J.P. Bakken (Eds.). History of special education 21, 1 – 20.