Briefly explain the purpose and responsibilities of an Institutional Review Board (IRB) in the protection of human subjects within the context of a research study.

You must answer the questions completely. Your paper should be double spaced and should be at least 1 page long but no longer than 2 pages. Once you have watched all three videos, please read the attached document and use that document and the videos as a reference to fully and thoughtfully answer the following questions:
1. Briefly explain the purpose and responsibilities of an Institutional Review Board (IRB) in the protection of human subjects within the context of a research study.
2. Explain some reasons why this study – if it was presented to an IRB today — would not be approved?
3. List one ethical principle that you feel was violated in this study and explain how it was violated.
4. In the Tuskegee study, informed consent as we know it today was not obtained. What issues did you find with the consent obtained in this study? What do you feel is the most important aspect of informed consent?