The concept of communication plays a vital role in Habermas’s understanding of critical theory

The concept of communication plays a vital role in Habermas’s understanding of critical theory

Secondary reading included below is not a comprehensive list of all available literature. However, remember all sources must be correctly footnoted and included in bibliographies. Question( 2,000 words) The concept of communication plays a vital role in Habermas’s understanding of critical theory. Explain this role and consider its strengths and weakness. Reading: Habermas, J. ‘Between Philosophy and Science: Marxism as critique’ Theory and Practice Boston, 1973               Habermas, J.

Secondary reading included below is not a comprehensive list of all available literature. However, remember all sources must be correctly footnoted and included in bibliographies.



Question( 2,000 words)


The concept of communication plays a vital role in Habermas’s understanding of critical theory. Explain this role and consider its strengths and weakness.




Habermas, J. ‘Between Philosophy and Science: Marxism as critique’ Theory and Practice Boston, 1973


Habermas, J. ‘The Relationship between Theory and Praxis Revisited’ Truth And Justification Boston, MIT, 2003


Habermas, J. ‘ The Entwinement of Myth and Enlightenment: Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity Polity, 1987, Ch 5


Held, D. Introduction to Critical Theory: Horkheimer to Habermas London, Hutchinson, 1980, Part 2


McCarthy. T. The Critical Theory of Jürgen Habermas Hutchinson, London, 1978, Ch 2.5, 3.1, 3.2. 4.1


Allen, A. The Politics of Ourselves: Autonomy, Critical Theory, Gender Columbia University Press, 2007, Ch 4, 5.


Dews, P. (Ed) Habermas: A Critical Reader Blackwell, Oxford, 1999


Thompson. J.B& Held, D. (Ed) Habermas: Critical Debates MIT, Cambridge MA, 1982, Ch 2


Bernstein, J. Recovering Ethical Life: Jürgen Habermas and the Future of Critical Theory Routledge, 1995, Ch 1,2


Ingram, D. Critical Theory and Philosophy Paragon House, New York, 1990, Ch 6, 7,8


Roderick, R. Habermas and the Foundations of Critical Theory McMillan, London, 1986, Ch 2, 3, 4, 5


Guess, R. The Idea of a Critical Theory: Habermas & the Frankfurt School Cambridge University Press, 1981


Outhwaite, W. Habermas: A Critical Introduction Stanford University Press, 1994, Ch 1,2,3


Owen, D.S. Between Reason and History: Habermas and the Idea of Progress State


University of New York, Albany, 2002, Ch 1, 2


Bronner, S. Of Critical Theory and Its Theorists Oxford: Blackwell, 1994, Ch 5, 14