Explain how Cognitive Psychology inform professional behavior.

Develop a 5 page report on how a major school of psychological thought informs professional behavior.
Examine how a major school of psychological thought informs professional behavior in a real-world setting.
Using cognitive psychology,.
Imagine you have been asked to do a presentation for students at a meeting of the National Honor Society in Psychology at a community college in your area. They have asked you to prepare a report that examines about how a major school of psychological thought informs professional behavior in a real-world setting.
Using your knowledge of the development of this school of thought to guide the behaviors of a supervisor.
Analysis of the major events that have affected the development of your school of thought.
Analysis of how other schools of thought have affected the development of your school of thought.
Analysis of the cultural influences that have affected the development of your school of thought.
Analysis of how knowledge of this school of thought informs professional behavior. Give examples.
Resources for Cognitive Psychology