Identify and describe several types of Goddesses and their characteristics in Hindu tradition as discussed in the article/lecture.

Question 1:
Love, Sex and Gender in the World Religions. “Love’s Insufficiency: Zen as Irritant.” William R. LaFleur. Pgs. 37-47.
According to the article, what is the highest human “relationship” in Zen? Discuss its relevance to Zen practice as discussed in lecture and in the article. How has this relationship been represented uniquely by Dogen as discussed in the article, and what has this unique representation been intended to mean in the context of Zen Buddhism according to the author of this chapter?
Question 2:
Love, Sex and Gender in the World Religions. “Loving the Goddess in Hinduism.” Nancy M. Martin. Pgs. 89-107
Identify and describe several types of Goddesses and their characteristics in Hindu tradition as discussed in the article/lecture. Use examples from the article/lecture to illustrate your answer. What do these Goddesses suggest about love and sexuality according to the author?
Question 3:
Love, Sex and Gender in the World Religions. “Taming the Powers of Desire: Love and Sex in the Jewish Culture.” Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert. Pgs. 113-125.
Identify and discuss at least three examples of Jewish expressions of love and sexuality as covered in the reading/lecture. This may include Jewish theology and symbolism as well as religious practices and traditions related to marriage and sexual relationships.
Question 4:
The Spirits of Haitian Vodou
Love, Sex and Gender in the World Religions. “Love, Sex, and Gender Embodied: The Spirits of Haitian Vodou.” Elizabeth McAlister. Pgs. 129-143.
Generally speaking, what is Vodou? What kind of religion is it, and what is its history? How are conceptions of love and sexuality addressed in this religious tradition? Use examples from the lecture/reading to illustrate your answer.
Question 5:
Love, Sex and Gender in the World Religions. “Politicizing Gender and Religion: Love for Women, Love for Islam.” Zayn Kassam. 223-234.
Based on the author’s observations, identify and discuss the major challenges faced by feminist Muslims due to the history of colonization and western “othering” of Muslims citing several examples from the text.