Planet X Please respond to peer

Planet X Please respond to peer

If you have distributive justice, then you cannot have “people own what they possess” or “people should get what they deserve,” because the whole point of distributive justice is to take the things and money from people who have worked to get them and distribute these things to people who have not earned these things themselves. It’s more along the equal distribution of good practiced by communist countries; no one has too much or too little.

I think you must mean “retributive justice,” since that means that if people steal or harm others, then they must pay back their debts and/or be punished.

If everyone has the right to question the actions (and mistakes) of others, does that mean you would have citizen police who could arrest their neighbors? Would that not lead to an environment where cooperation was difficult and everyone was suspicious of everyone else?

But, I can see that you are definitely thinking about justice!

Planet X Please respond to peer

If you have distributive justice, then you cannot have “people own what they possess” or “people should get what they deserve,” because the whole point of distributive justice is to take the things and money from people who have worked to get them and distribute these things to people who have not earned these things themselves. It’s more along the equal distribution of good practiced by communist countries; no one has too much or too little.

I think you must mean “retributive justice,” since that means that if people steal or harm others, then they must pay back their debts and/or be punished.

If everyone has the right to question the actions (and mistakes) of others, does that mean you would have citizen police who could arrest their neighbors? Would that not lead to an environment where cooperation was difficult and everyone was suspicious of everyone else?

But, I can see that you are definitely thinking about justice!