Scientific and Mathematical/Analytical Inquiry Draft

Hello everyone and welcome to week three,
This week you are going to be composing the first 1/2 of your paper, the Scientific and Economic Perspectives of Inquiry. In this paper you are trying support the argument that your chosen topic should be considered a public health issue with evidence, not personal opinion. You will need to establish that your social or environmental injustice impacts your population in a significant way. To do that you will discuss both healthcare issues as well as the economic burdens. The content that you include will need to be in line with your research question so make sure that
Research question: Would approaching Injustice as a public health issue decrease rates of medical condition for population?
Example for decline in honeybee populations: Would approaching the food environment related to the decline in bee populations as a public health issue decrease rates of chronic disease in Americans?
Your paper should also follow this outline
Scientific and economic perspectives of inquiry (6 page)
Establish your topic is a problem (establish link between injustice and medical condition in your population)
Medical diagnoses one
Define the medical condition
How it effects the body
How it does the injustice contribute to the medical diagnosis for your population
Medical diagnoses two
Define the medical condition
How it effects the body
How it does the injustice contribute to the medical diagnosis for your population
Medical diagnoses three
Define the medical condition
How it effects the body
How it does the injustice contribute to the medical diagnosis for your population
What are the economic issues involved?
Other (must be specific to your topic)
Don’t worry about the how’s and the whys too much this week. Next week we are going to begin work on the Cultural and Ethical Perspectives of Inquiry paper which is where this will be addressed.