Should different types of rape receive different legal sanctions?

1. a. Should different types of rape receive different legal sanctions?
b. For example, should someone who rapes a stranger be punished more severely than someone who is convicted of marital rape or date rape?
c. If your answer is yes, do you also think that someone who kills a stranger should be more severely punished that someone who kills his wife or girlfriend? Why, why not? Explain your answers.
2. a. There have been significant changes in rape laws regarding issues such as corroboration and shield laws.
b. What other measures would you take to protect victims of rape when they are forced to testify in court?
c. Should the names of rape victims be published in the press?
d. Do they deserve more protection than those accused of rape? Why, why not? Explain your answers.
3. Should hate crimes be punished more severely than crimes motivated by greed, anger, revenge?
a. Why should crimes be distinguished by the motivations of the perpetrator?
c. Is hate crimes a more heinous motivation than revenge? Why, why not? Explain your answers.