The Relationship between Marriage and Crime:Which explanation for the marriage effect on crime did you find most convincing? Do you think it is a direct effect in making someone stop their criminal activities? Do you think it is a natural aging out selection process?Explain

Topic: The Relationship between Marriage and Crime
Which explanation for the marriage effect on crime did you find most convincing? Do you think it is a direct effect in making someone stop their criminal activities? Do you think it is a natural aging out selection process?
Do you think it is an indirect peer effect? A combination? Or something entirely different than the 3 explanations? Provide logical and sound reasons for your response.
The post The Relationship between Marriage and Crime:Which explanation for the marriage effect on crime did you find most convincing? Do you think it is a direct effect in making someone stop their criminal activities? Do you think it is a natural aging out selection process?Explain .