Why is the social contract important to policing and vice versa.

Read about and research The Social Contract. It is an epic moment in human history. Please treat it as such. Many ideas are contained in this great development and these ideas were pushed forwards by many philosophers and contributors to this contract. Please write a 500 word essay replete with footnotes (APA format) and a bibliography. Sometimes, as they say, less is more. In this case, more is more. Keep it to 500 words but be sure to identify the important people and the main idea of the social contract. Be sure to note the significance for law enforcement and policing. Why is the social contract important to policing and vice versa.
Be sure to include a bibliography and source citations that follow the APA format. You can find instructions for the APA format in the JJAY Library website. Click this link: https://guides.lib.jjay.cuny.edu/c.php?g=288322&p=7472824