Why were women so prominently featured in the social justice movements around the turn of the century?

Why were women so prominently featured in the social justice movements around the turn of the century?
They MUST be your own ideas and your own words.
You do not need to do formal citations (as you will on the proper essay assignment at the end of the semester), but you should informally acknowledge the texts you’re drawing from as appropriate. (For example, you could write something like this: “Steinbeck’s novel The Grapes of Wrath, which we read this week, has a lot to say in Chapter 12 about the hardships that migrant workers faced on their journey west . . .”.) The weekly writing assignment is the largest single part of your grade, and writing practice is probably the single most valuable thing about an introductory history course. Do not neglect this. ”
This weeks assignment – Why were women so prominently featured in the social justice movements around the turn of the century?